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Please come forward and contribute. Your contribution will transform lives.
- Impact Created by DOV INDIA Till Date:
– more than 305 Children have got a new life after getting medical support in their cancer treatment,
open heart surgery, liver, kidney and bone marrow transplant. (SDG3) - Our Most Impactful Projects during Covid crises: Feed the Mumbai: During covid crises each and every individual life went through many ups and downs, many people were unemployed they faced financial crises. We provided food to needy one those who were not having money to feed their families. We have observe the highest hit for food scarcity was the persons who ashamed to say publicly that they don’t have food availability at their home during Covid crises because they are common man and hesitate to show that they are in need of food publicly. We secretly supplied food to various parts of Mumbai without letting notice to any other person. We are today proud of our activities.
- Impact Created by DOV INDIA Till Date:
- 10,750+ children were fulfilled with the proper nutritional value under health, hygiene, and nutrition program.
- 4,64,216+ underprivileged children got access to the quality education which is their basic need.
- 1067+ women get a better lifestyle and empowerment under the skill development training in tailoring, nursing, and beautician’s course.
- 25,450+ MHM Support to Adolescent girls by providing advocacy session and distribution of sanitary pads.
- 99+ Toilet Units.
- 10,31,763+ children and people got a new shelter who were affected in the calamity disaster.
- 2000+ volunteer support had joined us to bring smiles to the faces.
- 792+ child centric homes get support in health, nutrition and education