Save A 29-Day Old Baby Struggling to Survive in NICU!

“During the fifth month of my pregnancy, an ultrasound scan revealed that my baby has a heart defect. This news was devastating, but we did not lose hope. We promised ourselves that we will take utmost care of our baby’s health. Just when things were settling for us, suddenly during the seventh month of my pregnancy, my water broke, and I was rushed to the hospital. I remember the day vividly, after my son was born, I did not get to hold him even for a second. They took him away, as he was born prematurely. I have only seen him through the hospital glass, hooked to tubes.No mother should have to see her child in this condition,”-
Said Mrs. Maheshwari.
Ratheesh and Maheshwari, from Kerala, were on cloud nine when they got to know that they were expecting a baby. They started preparing for the delivery which was supposed to happen nine months later, but fate had planned something else for them.
Maheshwari gave birth to a premature baby boy. It was known that the newborn is suffering from a heart defect, and the prematurity made the situation worse. Right after his birth, the baby was shifted to NICU in Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and research center, Kochi, Kerala, as he suffered from severe preterm symptoms. Doctors have suggested Nasal SIMV (initial mode for respiratory support) and continued NICU support as a part of the treatment. The estimated cost of which is Rs. 5,44,000/- (Rupees Five Lakhs Forty Four Thousand Only).
“I was an auto-rickshaw driver, but I sold my auto rickshaw to manage the monthly expenses for the family of five. Now we are left with no other way of earning income. Arranging this huge sum of money is beyond our capacity. After a long time, this baby came to us as a ray of hope and happiness for our family, but unfortunately, that little life is struggling to survive in NICU. It pains to see him like that and there is nothing I can do, except ask for your help. No contribution is small, please help me save my son!” -Mr. Ratheesh (Father)
How Can You Help?
-You can Donate to the Fundraiser
-You can share Bo Bo Maheswari’s story on Facebook and WhatsApp so that their story reaches to more people like you who will impact her life
-You can Volunteer to Raise Funds and save Bo Bo Maheswari’s life.
50% Tax Exemption under 80(G)
Kindly also share the fundraiser with your family and friends and help them to reach the goal. We will be grateful for your help!
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